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Product Images

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REST API: Product Images

URI: /products/:product_id/images

Allows you to manage images of the required product.

URL Structure: http://magentohost/api/rest/products/:product_id/images
Version: 1

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Allows you to retrieve information about all images of a specified product.
Notes: If there are custom attributes with the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner option set to Media Image, these attributes will be also returned in the response as an image type.

Authentication: Admin, Customer, Guest
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


GET http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <label>second dress</label>

Description: Allows you to add an image for the required product.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML

Name Description Required Type Example Value
file_mime_type File mime type. Can have the following values: image/jpeg, image/png, etc. required string image/jpeg
file_content Graphic image file content (base_64 encoded) required string 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
file_name Name for the added image file optional string new image

Note: If the file_name parameter is not defined, the original file name is set for the image. The first created image will be called "image", the second created image will be called "image_2", etc.


POST http://magentohost/api/rest/products/1/images

Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <file_mime_type>image/jpeg</file_mime_type>     <file_content>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</file_content>

URI: /products/:product_id/images/store/:store_id

Allows you to manage product images for a specified store.

URL Structure: http://magentohost/api/rest/products/:product_id/images/store/:store_id
Version: 1

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Allows you to retrieve information about product images for a specified store view.
Notes: Images can have different labels for different stores. For example, image label "flower" in the English store view can be set as "fleur" in the French store view. If there are custom attributes with the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner option set to Media Image, these attributes will be also returned in the response as an image type.

Authentication: Admin, Customer, Guest
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


GET http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images/store/2

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <label>white dress</label>

Description: Allows you to add an image for the required product with image settings for a specific store.
Notes: The image is added on the Global level; specified image parameters are set for a specific store.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML

Name Description Required Type Example Value
file_mime_type File mime type. Can have the following values: image/jpeg, image/png, etc. required string image/png
file_content Graphic image file content (base_64 encoded) required string 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
file_name Name for the added image file optional string test image

Note: If the file_name parameter is not defined, the original file name is set for the image. The first created image will be called "image", the second created image will be called "image_2", etc.


POST http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images/store/3

Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <file_mime_type>image/jpeg</file_mime_type>    <file_content>iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACgAAAAoCAYAAACM/rhtAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAWtJREFUeNpi/P//P8NgBkwMgxyMOnDUgTDAyMhIDNYF4vNA/B+IDwCxHLoakgEoFxODiQRXQUYi4e3k2gfDjMRajsP3zED8F8pmA+JvUDEYeArEMugOpFcanA/Ef6A0CPwC4uNoag5SnAjJjGI2tKhkg4rLAfFGIH4IxEuBWIjSKKYkDfZCHddLiwChVhokK8YGohwEZYy3aBmEKmDEhOCgreomo+VmZHxsMEQxIc2MAx3FO/DI3RxMmQTZkI9ALDCaSUYdOOrAIeRAPzQ+PxCHUM2FFDb5paGNBPRa5C20bUhxc4sSB4JaLnvxVHWHsbVu6OnACjyOg+HqgXKgGRD/JMKBoD6LDb0dyAPE94hwHAw/hGYcujlwEQmOg+EV9HJgLBmOg+FMWjsQVKR8psCBoDSrQqoDSSmoG6Hpj1wA6ju30LI9+BBX4UsC+Ai0T4BWVd1EIL5PgeO+APECmoXgaGtm1IE0AgABBgAJAICuV8dAUAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==</file_content>

URI: /products/:product_id/images/:image_id

Allows you to manage a specified product image.

URL Structure: http://magentohost/api/rest/products/:product_id/images/:image_id
Version: 1

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Allows you to retrieve information about a specified product image.
Notes: If there are custom attributes with the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner option set to Media Image, these attributes will be also returned in the response as an image type.

Authentication: Admin, Customer, Guest
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


GET http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images/7

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <label>second dress</label>
HTTP Method: PUT

Description: Allows you to update information for the specified product image.
Notes: When updating information, you need to pass only those parameters that you want to be updated. Parameters that were not passed in the request, will preserve the previous values.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML

Name Description Required Type Example
exclude Defines whether the image will associate only to one of the three image types. optional int 0
file_content Image file content (base_64 encoded). optional string base_64 encoded file content
file_mime_type File mime type. Can have the following values: image/jpeg, image/png, etc. optional string image/png
file_name Image file name. optional  string test name
label A label that will be displayed on the frontend when pointing to the image optional string test label
position The Sort Order option. The order in which the images are displayed in the MORE VIEWS section. optional int 1
types Array of image types. Can have the following values: image, small_image, and thumbnail. optional array thumbnail


PUT http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images/7

Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <label>English store image</label>

Description: Allows you to remove the specified image from a product.
Notes: The image will not be deleted physically, the image parameters will be set to No Image.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


DELETE http://magentohost/api/rest/products/14/images/6

URI: /products/:product_id/images/:image_id/store/:store_id

Allows you to manage a specified product image for a specified store.

URL Structure: http://magentohost/api/rest/products/:product_id/images/:image_id/store/:store_id
Version: 1

HTTP Method: GET

Description: Allows you to retrieve information about the specified product image from a specified store.
Notes: If there are custom attributes with the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner option set to Media Image, these attributes will be also returned in the response as an image type.

Authentication: Admin, Customer, Guest
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


GET http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images/7/store/3

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
HTTP Method: PUT

Description: Allows you to update the specified product image information for s specified store.
Notes: When updating information, you need to pass only those parameters that you want to be updated. Parameters that were not passed in the request will preserve the previous values.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML

Name Description Required Type Example
exclude Defines whether the image will associate only to one of the three image types. optional int 0
file_content Image file content (base_64 encoded). optional string base_64 encoded file content
file_mime_type File mime type. Can have the following values: image/jpeg, image/png, etc. optional string image/png
file_name Image file name. optional string test name
label A label that will be displayed on the frontend when pointing to the image optional string test label
position The Sort Order option. The order in which the images are displayed in the MORE VIEWS section. optional int 1
types Array of image types. Can have the following values: image, small_image, and thumbnail. optional array thumbnail


PUT http://magentohost/api/rest/products/8/images/7/store/3

Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Description: Allows you to remove an image from the required product in the specified store.
Notes: The image will not be deleted physically, the image parameters will be set to No Image for the current store.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


DELETE http://magentohost/api/rest/products/14/images/6/store/3

Possible HTTP Status Codes

Status Code Message Description
400 Requested store is invalid
The specified store is not valid or does not exist
404 Resource not found The specified resource is not found or does not exist
404 Product image not found The specified product image is not found or does not exist
400 Resource data pre-validator error Resource validation error
400 The image content must be valid base64 encoded data
The image file content must be in the base_64 encoded format (when image content does not contain supported letters and symbols)
400 Requested product does not support images
The specified product does not support images adding
400 Unsupported image MIME type
The image MIME type is not supported (e.g., image/bmp)
400 Resource unknown error
Resource unknown error
500 Resource internal error
Resource internal error
- The image is not specified
The image is not specified during the POST request.